WHAT IS HTML*HTML (Hyper Text Mark Up Language)* is a language used to create a documents on web. HTML is meant for meaning and structure of the web page’s content.
*HTML* Contains Tags That organize and structure text, include image, creating forms & tables, and link to other documents or web page all across the internent.
HTML Basic SyntaxThe basic syntax HTML is made up of Tags, Attribute and Elements.
HTML TAGsHTML tags are tags names surrounded by angle brackets, like :
<html>Html tags usually come in pairs, like
<body> </body>The first tag is called the
opening tag and the Second tag is called the closing tags.The
opening *Tag* looks like The <body>
while The
closing *Tag* looks like The *</body>*
<article> Content Here </article>*Attributes*Attributes provides extra information about an Element and are always specified in the opening tag,
<article attribute =”value”> </article>Attribute Value Attribute value should be enclosed within quotation marks. You may come across something likes
<article attribute =value> </article>But using quotation is more common , cleaner and best practice.
Note We av many HTML Tags it can be paragraph <p> e.t.c
HTML ElementAn element is a tag and the content it wraps around, for Example
<p> content
</p><P>I went to school yesterday
</P>HTML Parent / Child StructureIt’s also called parent / child relationships, where the containing elements is referred to as the parent of the elemnts contained within it .
*Explanation of the Example*The *body* is the parent of the headings ( *h1* , *h2* ) and the paragraph tag ( *p* ), and the second paragraph of the *em* and *strong* elements.
The *body* is the ancestor of these letter elements, rather than their parent. The headings and paragraph are siblings, and the *em* and *strong* elements within one *paragraph* tag are siblings.
Basic File Folder Structure of a WebsiteIt important to keep the contents of your website organized.
Folder should have simple one word name. Multi-word name can be faked using the underscore “_” Character,